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Poetic Inspiration

Beginnings, by Sarah McBride

of peachy shades

A chilly Breeze
weasels its way
through my thin
blue robe

The songs
of many birds
glaze over
the anticipation

Now look!
Over those yonder trees!
Two tiny pinpricks
of dazzling light
wink at me
through the branches
of the pines
the opposite shore

The sun rises
much more quickly
than I had imagined

I can see
the sun
peek over the pines

This is what
I have come for;
this hope-lifting miracle

So this
is how
beginnings feel

Sarah, age 13, visited PEI in June, 2009 with her family. As the poem relates, Sarah was especially captivated by the sunrises, waking up at 5am (to the great surprise of her Mom) to view the sunrise over the waters. Thank you for sharing your poem, Sarah!